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Articles search results for wiring loom

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Electrical - Terminal fixation

'To solder or not to solder, that is the question'

Despite having spent something in the order of 26 years delving into all things automotive and some 24 of those concentrating a great deal on the Mini, I have never assumed I know it all. In fact I'm very much one of those to support the 'you never stop learning' theory. My latest endeavours to get out racing again have caused me to look at all things connected (sorry - pun) with racecar preparation - the wiring loom being one such item.

I decided to canvas everybody I knew that was involved with electronics and electrics to any degree to see what the latest state of ply was concerning fixing terminals to cables. 'To solder or not to solder, that is the question'. All my previous racecars (last one built about 14 years ago) had all the terminals carefully soldered on. It used to take me ages; taking a remarkably long time to become proficient at it - largely because of the 'not too hot' soldering iron I'd purchased to do th

Injection Cars - Tuning up-date

OK, so what's happened to the Min Tec/Mini Spares development program?

It has been a long time between my first few words on basic injection car tuning and these - for that I apologise, but business has been unbelievably fraught this year.

I did promise regular and frequent up-dates, but the best laid plans, and all that… As I said, business has been more than brisk.

OK, so what's happened to the Min Tec/Mini Spares development program? Apart from a whole lot of investigation and repetitive research into what's available currently - not that much. It is all hinging on this forthcoming ECU from this particular company. Unfortunately the company concerned is not run by businessman or automotive engineers. They are electronics whiz kids who are trying to achieve the Holy Grail.

Historical Article - Nov 1992 - History in the making

Having built one Cooper ‘S’ for Timo Makinen to use in Historic Rallying, in which he won two International Rallies, I decided to build another one with more power and less weight than the previous one.

One lesson I learnt the hard way building the first car, was that a reliable source of new parts with in-built quality, especially where obsolete parts were being remanufactured, was essential. Mini Spares of London...

Historical Article - Nov 1992 - History in the making

Having built one Cooper ‘S’ for Timo Makinen to use in Historic Rallying, in which he won two International Rallies, I decided to build another one with more power and less weight than the previous one.

One lesson I learnt the hard way building the first car, was that a reliable source of new parts with in-built quality, especially where obsolete parts were being remanufactured, was essential. Mini Spares of London...

Historical Article - May 1993 - EFI - The Continuing Saga

EFl - THE CONTINUING SAGA It is some time since I reported on the electronic fuel injection and ignition system I have been developing for Mini Spares. Unfortunately I suffered a very stagnant period of too many months whilst a great deal of time was wasted by what I can only describe as the "holier than thou's" in the automotive electronics world. What a bunch of self-opinionated *ssh*l*s!! Far too many empty promises.

Historical Article - April 1994 - Monte Mini - Press for Action

Within a week of returning to our shores, the Mini Spares Monte Mini attended it's first press engagement with Mini World magazine. Mini World journalists are avid readers of Mini Tech News and give us flattering reviews each time they receive a new issue. Crisp folding stuff is not even needed.

Historical Article - April 1994 - Monte Mini - Preparation

The Monte Minis were entered in the 1300cc Group A category, which demands stringent safety requirements and a minimum weight of 760kgs. Our Mini weighed 760kgs prior to a full removal of all sound deadening material. The new homologated multi point roll cage from Safety Devices was fitted. This is not a job for the average enthusiast.

Historical Article - April 1994 - Monte Mini - Preparation

The Monte Minis were entered in the 1300cc Group A category, which demands stringent safety requirements and a minimum weight of 760kgs. Our Mini weighed 760kgs prior to a full removal of all sound deadening material. The new homologated multi point roll cage from Safety Devices was fitted. This is not a job for the average enthusiast.

Historical Article-February 1995-Cooper body shell

Cooper Body Shell The Heritage specialists fit a shell at the Classic Car show at the N.E.C. Only the latest type production bodyshells are available from Rover, who in their infinite wisdom have reduced the price from £1 ,700 to £950, which may help keep a few more cars on the road.

Historical Article-February 1995-Cooper body shell

Cooper Body Shell The Heritage specialists fit a shell at the Classic Car show at the N.E.C. Only the latest type production bodyshells are available from Rover, who in their infinite wisdom have reduced the price from £1 ,700 to £950, which may help keep a few more cars on the road.

Historical Article-November 1995-Serious Rallying

Serious Rallying Success advertising it's called. Making the most of your victories, no matter how significant, by shouting about them very loudly. The formula Is simple: Get yourself a car that can finish, driven by someone reliabllsh, turn up and win your class, then shout about It from the rooftops.

Historical Article-November 1995-Serious Rallying

Serious Rallying Success advertising it's called. Making the most of your victories, no matter how significant, by shouting about them very loudly. The formula Is simple: Get yourself a car that can finish, driven by someone reliabllsh, turn up and win your class, then shout about It from the rooftops.

Swiftune’s re-creation of the Longman 1275 GT

It was decided to build the 1978/79 British touring car championship winning Richard Longman 1275GT. The original car still exists remaining just as Richard stepped out of it in 79 and would be sacrilege to rebuild the car to modern...
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